Tuesday 31 May 2016


Spelling lesson 31
All the words in this lesson are compound words. A compound word is two words put together to make 1 word.



Sunday 29 May 2016

May 30-June 4

May 30-June 4
Talent show auditions this week

Monday May 30-
Science- Material & Property    poster due
Math - Calendar and Time quiz
Tuesday May 31-

Wed. June 1-

Thursday June 2-
Final book exchange for Library
Friday June 3-
Spell test Lesson 31
grade 1-5 Activity Afternoon (weather permitting)

Tuesday 24 May 2016

May 24- 27

Tuesday May 24-
Rock Talk books now due!

Wednesday May 25-
Science Unit : Materials & Properties homework project- due Monday May 30
Sacrament Celebration: Daphne
Photo $ due
Amp-it $ orders accepted
Volunteer Tea in Library / Learning Commons 2 pm

Thursday May 26-
Teachers Pet - Building Activity 1-3 pm
AMP -IT 6-8 pm

Friday May 27-
Spell test 30

spelling lesson 30

Spelling lesson 30
The words in this lesson begin with the PRE-FIX  “re”.  When “re” begins a word, it adds the meaning “AGAIN”.



Tuesday 17 May 2016

SCIENCE- Building and Materials

vocabulary: building, structure, materials, properties, stable, stability, frame, design, function.

What's it made of?   - materials
What holds it together? -fasteners 
What are some properties of building materials?
How can we test materials? (strength, flexibility, endurance, stability)
What materials are used for different structures and why?
What structures are useful to mankind? Why?
What function do common structures have?
What designs are used for many common structures?
Which shapes are good for stable & strong building?
Why do builders use frames and foundations?
What are some common types of bridges? Why are there different types of bridges? What are some of the parts of a bridge? How are tension and compression forces used for constructing bridges?

Math Division

-sharing equally
-solve problems that involve sharing equally
-use words, models, and symbols to describe division by sharing
- represent and explain division in a variety of ways (grouping, repeated subtraction or backwards counting on a number line, arrays)
- create and solve division problems
-relate division to repeated subtraction ( or skip-counting backwards)
-relate division to multiplication

Science - Building & Materials Unit- overview

Title: Building and Materials

1.  What is our purpose?
To inquire into the following:
·          main idea
Building materials and structure designs impact human societies.

Project-based summative assessment task(s):
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the main idea? What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we look for?

Make a poster for an object that labels the materials used to make the object, lists properties of the materials specific to the object, fasteners used, and possible tools used to make the object.
Evidence: (A rubric is provided) Obvious materials have been listed. Properties for the materials have been listed. Possible fasteners and tools have been listed.
Plan and create/build a structure. Students make a plan for a structure that would be useful in society (using a variety of materials provided and shown prior to planning). Students build the structure within a given time frame and with certain requirements (for size, number of materials, fasteners, etc.) and do a reflection on the structure after it is built.
Evidence: Students complete a design/plan that will be reasonable to build with the materials and time allowed. Students use ideas of shape, stability and would be “useable” in the real world. The answers provided in the reflection indicate that the child has some understanding of the design, purpose, materials, and use of the structure as it is and in the “real world”.
Create a piece of artwork that shows a structure in our society. An art drawing portrays an actual structure in society and a statement tells how or why it is useful.
Evidence: A piece of art shows a useful structure in society. A statement is given about the use of the structure.

 What do we want to learn?
What are the concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry?
·          Form, Function
·         Related Concepts: Structure, Design, Properties

What lines of inquiry will define the main idea?

·          Structures are built to benefit human societies
·          Properties of materials affect strength and stability of structures
·           Structures are built for a purpose and need a design to make it happen.
What teacher questions will drive these inquiries?

·          What are common structures used in human societies and for what purpose?
·          What are the properties of common building materials and how do the properties affect strength / stability of structures?

·         What is the function of design in structures?

Saturday 14 May 2016

May 16-23

Congratulations to the class! ...Special thanks to all the families that brought in $$ for the fund raising activities to support Fort McMurray. Our class raised the most $ (for PYP), so we will receive an extra recess time and a class party!

 May 16-23

Monday May 16-

Tuesday May 17-

Wednesday May 18- 
Math - Division test
Club photos
K-5 Walk-a-thon fundraiser 1:30 pm

Thursday May 19-
spell test 29

Friday May 20-
NO SCHOOL for kids- PD Day

Monday May 23-
NO SCHOOL - Victoria Day holiday

Sunday 8 May 2016

May 9-13

Monday May 9-

Tuesday May 10-

Wednesday May 11- 
sneak peek of Annie performance

Thursday May 12-
Science Rock & Mineral Test

Friday May 13-
spell test 28

Monday 2 May 2016

Religion Curriculum topics and timeline

Main Topics for the year:
Getting to know Jesus   – completed

Thanksgiving – completed

Baptism – completed

Prayer – completed

Advent & Christmas   completed

10 Commandments  – completed

Lent-  completed

Easter- completed

Reconciliation- completed

Mary and the Rosary- completed
The Bible, the Apostles & Saints- in progress
Church- Celebrating the Mass

Spelling 28

Spelling Lesson 28

The words in this lesson all have 1 or more SILENT letters.

